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@todo enable next eslint rules\n/* eslint-disable jsx-a11y/alt-text */\nimport React from 'react';\nimport { Link } from 'gatsby';\nimport VerticalTextBlock from '../VerticalTextBlock';\n\nimport './index.scss';\n\n/**\n * @todo move presentation only images to stylesheets\n */\nconst GradesBlock = () => (\n \n Choose your desired grade, and we will write a paper that meets all the requirements\n to achieve it. Moreover, our\n {' '}\n \n Quality Assurance Department\n \n {' '}\n will check your paper using an evaluation scheme based on grading criteria from the\n top 70 US\n universities.\n \n We have 4 writing hubs with specialists in business studies, STEM, social studies, and\n law. We make sure they are not only\n experts in their subjects, but know the ins and outs of academic writing.\n \n As of April 2018, we’ve already written so many pages that if you print them all out\n and pile them up, they’ll be 94 meters\n high, which is almost the height of The Big Ben Tower. We know our job inside out and\n are ready to tackle your writing\n assignments.\n \n Hire a professional to help you\n \n “What essay writing agency can do my homework for me? I need professional help.” Such\n online requests are no rarity today. Many students have problems managing their\n assignments appropriately and lose multiple grades. They are honest with their inner\n self and confess that some assignments cannot be completed on their own. Accordingly,\n they ask online helpers “write my essay.” There are multiple academic writing websites\n on the Internet, which eagerly offer their assistance. However, we easily outweigh their\n advantages because our services are more beneficial.\n \n \n We are called TakeAwayEssay.com and thousands of students prefer us for outstanding\n quality, great speed, and adequate prices we propose. Our professional writers easily\n tackle assignments with the most difficult requirements and always meet the\n expectations of our clients.\n {' '}\n If you wonder “who will write my essay for me” turn to us and we promise to help you\n solve all your complications in the best manner.\n \n Every academic assignment has strict requirements, which must be obligatorily fulfilled.\n When students ask “write my essay online,” they hope to meet important targets. These\n are the submission of the assignment on time and creating original content. We guarantee\n both prerogatives.\n \n Our skilled specialists know everything about the speed of writing. They possess great\n writing skills and continuously develop them. They are very flexible and easily adapt to\n different demands. Thus, our writers easily select the most efficient technique to be on\n time. They complete any type of essay and other assignments without delays.\n \n We also pay attention to the authenticity of the texts we release. We employ skilled\n writers who easily cover different topics in all academic disciplines. Specially\n assigned editors verify every text using a trustworthy plagiarism-checking software. It\n scans your text, surfs the Internet and seeks matches. If there are any, we’ll rewrite\n them to make your assignments original. Accordingly, if you request “pay someone to\n write my essay” on our platform you avoid any form of plagiarism. Your texts are always\n 100% authentic.\n \n Undoubtedly, all the students who leave requests “write my essays” want to receive the\n assistance of the highest quality. Our experts are certified, skilled, and experienced.\n Each writer writes several entry tests and passes a job interview to determine his or\n her competence. We accept only the top writers. Accordingly, they match the highest\n academic standards. You’ll enjoy the assistance of native speakers and experts whose\n English is their second language.\n You’re free to order any paper that is necessary. We compose: \n TakeAwayEssay.com is the most beneficial website where you can request “do my essay” and\n receive orders of the highest quality. Make an instant order straight away and solve all\n your complications.\n \n Can you do my essay for me and will I be able to buy it? This is a frequently asked\n question. Many students are terribly afraid to overpay. Fortunately, this is not a story\n of our website. We offer a relatively cheap price policy to make our assistance\n affordable.\n \n When you request “do my essays,” place an order filling out the application form.\n Mention the most important details concerning your assignment. These are its quality,\n type, deadline, length, etc. Each point has its price and directly affects the total\n cost. For example, you have a choice among three different quality levels of writing.\n These are a high school, college or university. The more complex the level is the more\n fees will be charged. It’s a fair system, which helps to set the price you require.\n \n Can someone write my essay and provide all the necessary guarantees and advantages? This\n is another frequently asked question among students. They need certain conditions, which\n ensure their safety and comfort. Our custom writing service is ready to offer them.\n You’ll receive the following benefits:\n \n These are pretty important benefits, aren’t they? We’re able to cope with any piece of\n writing quickly and effectively. Therefore, don’t delay and place an order straight\n away! Tell your friend if he or she is in need. We’ll help everyone.\n \n We help you get the grades you need\n
\n\n \n \n 73%\n \n
\n the average\n
\n {' '}\n grade we deliver\n \n \n 531\n \n
\n writers from\n
\n {' '}\n the US\n \n \n 969k\n \n
\n original pages\n
\n {' '}\n written\n \n Get your essay written\n
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\n {' '}\n deal with your assignments\n
write my essay for me\n Do my essay for me quickly and originally
\n Can you write my essay online to help me meet academic requirements?
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\n Do you provide some additional benefits?
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\n {' '}\n No worries, we are here for you!\n
\n Your money is safe. Even if we fail to satisfy your expectations, you can always request\n a refund and get your money back.\n
\n\n We don’t share your private information with anyone. What happens on our website stays\n on our website.\n
\n\n We provide you with a sample paper on the topic you need, and this kind of academic\n assistance is perfectly legitimate.\n
\n\n We check every paper with our plagiarism-detection software, so you get a unique paper\n written for your particular purposes.\n
\n\n Need a paper tomorrow? We can write it even while you’re sleeping. Place an order now\n and get your paper in 8 hours.\n
\n\n Our prices depend on urgency. If you want a cheap essay, place your order in advance.\n Our prices start from $10 per page.\n