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@todo enable next eslint rules\n/* eslint-disable jsx-a11y/alt-text */\nimport React from 'react';\nimport { Link } from 'gatsby';\nimport VerticalTextBlock from '../VerticalTextBlock';\n\nimport './index.scss';\n\n/**\n * @todo move presentation only images to stylesheets\n */\nconst GradesBlock = () => (\n \n Choose your desired grade, and we will write a paper that meets all the requirements\n to achieve it. Moreover, our\n {' '}\n \n Quality Assurance Department\n \n {' '}\n will check your paper using an evaluation scheme based on grading criteria from the\n top 70 US\n universities.\n \n We have 4 writing hubs with specialists in business studies, STEM, social studies, and\n law. We make sure they are not only\n experts in their subjects, but know the ins and outs of academic writing.\n \n As of April 2018, we’ve already written so many pages that if you print them all out\n and pile them up, they’ll be 94 meters\n high, which is almost the height of The Big Ben Tower. We know our job inside out and\n are ready to tackle your writing\n assignments.\n \n We help you get the grades you need\n
\n\n \n \n 73%\n \n
\n the average\n
\n {' '}\n grade we deliver\n \n \n 531\n \n
\n writers from\n
\n {' '}\n the US\n \n \n 969k\n \n
\n original pages\n
\n {' '}\n written\n
\n We care about each and every customer\n
who purchases an\n essay from us\n
\n Who can write my psychology paper? This is a pretty popular question\n that can be met on the Internet. We don’t mean that requests for\n “psychology writing services” are the most popular. We mean that\n custom aid itself is in high demand. That is why we offer it for 11\n years in a row and enjoy tremendous success.\n
\n\n Our writing company is called TakeAwayEssay.com. We are the choice\n number one of the thousands of US learners, as well as many\n international students. What are the reasons for our popularity? Our\n platform always puts the interests of its clients in the first\n place. That is why our clients are happy with what we do for you. If\n you continue to read, you will understand why.\n
\n\n When students look for psychology essay writing assistance, they\n give heed to various conditions, possible benefits, guaranteed\n conveniences, etc. One of them is surely the speed of execution.\n Most students hate to meet their deadlines. There are too many tasks\n and duties with strict time limits that should not be broken. At\n times, they have no physical ability to submit several assignments\n on time. This is when we help!\n
\n\n Our prominent experts have excellent time management skills and know\n the best strategies. As soon as they see your demands, they already\n know how much time is required to deal with your order and what\n strategy to apply. If your conditions are realistic, your order will\n be ready before the deadline runs out!\n
\n\n Another crucial point all learners check is the price. They have\n pretty short budgets and cannot afford too pricey essay writing\n service psychology. We are aware of this shortcoming and offer our\n flexible system of choosing the price that suits everyone’s budget.\n How does it work? You are to fill out the order form to let us know\n what way it must be solved. The most significant points and price\n indicators are as follows:\n
\n\n An online calculator will show the final bid. If it exceeds your\n budget, you are free to change any of these points to lower the\n price until it suits your financial possibilities. It’s a fast and\n logical method.\n
\n\n The reputation of your writer means a lot too. You will surely\n receive several bids from our performers. Contact them to find out\n who suits you better. The higher his or her status is, the more fees\n will be charged. Yet, you can negotiate on the terms you like.\n Besides, all our experts are highly qualified. If the status isn’t\n too high, it doesn’t mean the expert’s aid is of low quality.\n Perhaps he/she is a newbie or takes a small number of orders to\n elevate reputation. Quality will be as high as you can.\n
\n\n If you choose our psychology essay writing service, you never lose!\n Why are we that confident? We have professional writers with\n outstanding academic abilities. They sharpen those abilities to meet\n the top standards of every school, college, or university.\n
\n\n Our psychology essay writing service undergraduate paper adjusts to\n the demands you set. We treat every customer personally. All your\n demands will be taken into account and fulfilled exactly as you\n want. Your order can be written, edited, outlined, rewritten, cited,\n and so on. We offer a wide range of experts with diplomas in various\n specialties:\n
\n\n You will find experts who handle all types of essays, as well as\n other assignments. You will be provided with all kinds of academic\n features.\n
\n\n Our custom psychology essay writing service would have never gotten\n so high if it didn’t cultivate other vital dividends and guarantees\n for its dear clients. They are surely essential and when we will\n describe them, you will understand why. Make allowances for the next\n advantages you will enjoy when you join us:\n
\n\n One of the most significant things every user checks is his or\n her online safety. No one wants to expose his or her private\n data to anyone else, especially to teachers because they may\n deprive students of many grades. Although our functioning is\n 100% legal, educators are against our collaboration with you. We\n realize it and do whatever is necessary to protect your private\n data.\n
\n\n Firstly, we pledge to never reveal any facts about you or your\n orders to somebody else. Secondly, we use effective software to\n protect our databases. Thirdly, we encrypt all transactions on\n our site.\n
\n\n When you use our aid, you enjoy creative and authentic papers.\n They all are done from scratch. It means they are original and\n don’t contain any plagiarized elements. We use special checking\n tools to detect plagiarized elements and remove them from your\n texts.\n
\n\n One of the most important psychology essay writing services is\n formatting. Most students hate to format their title pages, make\n reference lists, as well as insert direct citations. We can\n tackle these issues instead of them. Our specialists deal with\n APA, AMA, MLA, Chicago, Turabian, Harvard, ASA, Vancouver, and\n other popular academic writing formats.\n
\n\n As we are an honest custom company, we ensure the investments of\n our clients to the fullest. After your writer agrees to complete\n your demands, you risk nothing. In case your writer violates\n your agreement, we will return your money. Nonetheless, it’s\n unlikely to happen because we are professionals and do not fail\n our customers.\n
\n\n Finally, you can always count on our amazing customer support\n team. Our competent technicians are at work 24/7 to supervise\n our customers. If you don’t understand our policies or methods\n of work, they will be happy to provide you with the desired\n responses. As we are at work 24/7, you can also place instant\n orders whenever the need appears.\n
\n\n Your money is safe. Even if we fail to satisfy your expectations, you can always request\n a refund and get your money back.\n
\n\n We don’t share your private information with anyone. What happens on our website stays\n on our website.\n
\n\n We provide you with a sample paper on the topic you need, and this kind of academic\n assistance is perfectly legitimate.\n
\n\n We check every paper with our plagiarism-detection software, so you get a unique paper\n written for your particular purposes.\n
\n\n Need a paper tomorrow? We can write it even while you’re sleeping. Place an order now\n and get your paper in 8 hours.\n
\n\n Our prices depend on urgency. If you want a cheap essay, place your order in advance.\n Our prices start from $10 per page.\n