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@todo enable next eslint rules\n/* eslint-disable jsx-a11y/alt-text */\nimport React from 'react';\nimport { Link } from 'gatsby';\nimport VerticalTextBlock from '../VerticalTextBlock';\n\nimport './index.scss';\n\n/**\n * @todo move presentation only images to stylesheets\n */\nconst GradesBlock = () => (\n \n Choose your desired grade, and we will write a paper that meets all the requirements\n to achieve it. Moreover, our\n {' '}\n \n Quality Assurance Department\n \n {' '}\n will check your paper using an evaluation scheme based on grading criteria from the\n top 70 US\n universities.\n \n We have 4 writing hubs with specialists in business studies, STEM, social studies, and\n law. We make sure they are not only\n experts in their subjects, but know the ins and outs of academic writing.\n \n As of April 2018, we’ve already written so many pages that if you print them all out\n and pile them up, they’ll be 94 meters\n high, which is almost the height of The Big Ben Tower. We know our job inside out and\n are ready to tackle your writing\n assignments.\n \n We help you get the grades you need\n
\n\n \n \n 73%\n \n
\n the average\n
\n {' '}\n grade we deliver\n \n \n 531\n \n
\n writers from\n
\n {' '}\n the US\n \n \n 969k\n \n
\n original pages\n
\n {' '}\n written\n
\n With us, you can always be sure\n
\n {' '}\n you will pay for 100% original content\n
\n “I will pay for essay if you solve my problems.” This is one of the frequently written\n online requests. They are left by college students who grow desperate because they\n cannot cope with their essays. They eagerly pay someone to get help with their papers.\n Students leave such calls for assistance because they may have poor writing and reading\n skills, lack the time, have personal problems, health issues, and something of the kind.\n If you face some impediments, you’re welcome to use our assistance.\n
\n\n We are known as TakeAwayEssay.com. We are a highly reputed custom writing company famous\n throughout the globe.{' '}\n \n People pay for essay on our platform because we write assignments of the highest\n quality very quickly and in accordance with academic requirements. Additionally, we\n offer a wide range of other advantages and set reasonable prices.\n {' '}\n You won’t regret it if you prefer our essay writing company.\n
\n\n\n When people intend to pay to write essay, they commonly hope to find affordable prices.\n We’re always happy to make such a dream come true. Accordingly, we set pretty cheap\n prices to meet the financial possibilities of ordinary clients.\n
\n\n Moreover, you’re in full charge of your own orders. Fill out the order form and mention\n the most important details about your assignment. These are its quality (high school,\n college or university), type, length, urgency, and similar points. Their sum makes the\n total cost. See how much must be paid and pay to write essay if it satisfies you. In\n case you want to lower the cost, make the necessary adjustments. Everything is fair and\n square. You never overpay if you collaborate with our company.\n
\n\n We are chosen by thousands of students thanks to the excellent services we provide. Our\n writers do real miracles to help you compose assignments of the top quality. Our paid\n essay writing is worth a try because our specialists are:\n
\n\n They possess advanced skills to fulfill any demand you may have. They write, cite,\n proofread, research, generate topics, create effective plans, edit and carry out many\n other important services. Therefore, you don’t simply pay for essay writing. You\n automatically receive other priorities.\n
\n\n Our specialists tackle their orders according to the demands of your educational\n institution. Those demands are never violated. Approved professionals easily handle any\n essay, research paper, coursework, dissertation, presentation, review, personal\n statement, etc.\n
\n\n Another reason why we’re so popular is the swiftness of our support. When you pay to\n write an essay on TakeAwayEssay.com, you meet even the shortest deadline. Most papers\n can be written in 3-4 hours or quicker. Even such complex orders like a dissertation are\n accomplished much faster if you get assistance from our website.\n
\n\n Simply leave your instructions and set a clear deadline. We’ll evaluate the odds and if\n the conditions are manageable, you will receive a sample of your paper before the\n deadline expires. You’re always on time with our professional writers.\n
\n\n When you pay for essays online here, you enjoy two important guarantees. Firstly, we\n promise to protect your private data. We implement the most efficient safeguards to\n deflect all kinds of cyber threats. Undoubtedly, we never spread a word about our\n customers and their collaboration with our platform.\n
\n\n Secondly, we compose only unique assignments. Specially assigned editors use the\n effective plagiarism-checking program, which searches through the Internet to define\n whether there are any matches with your assignments. If we detect any element of\n plagiarism, it is instantly eliminated from the texts. We quote and make references in\n accordance with APA, MLA, Chicago, Turabian, and other writing formats. This advantage\n is chargeless to save your earnings.\n
\n\n If you’ve finally decided to pay for essay writing on our platform, please, fill out the\n order form. It consists of several compulsory fields, which explain to us what you need.\n Besides, you should provide the contact information and mention your user’s name. Thus,\n we’ll know where to send notifications and orders and will be able to identify you in\n our system.\n
\n\n The next phase is the payment. We ensure full security of any transactions made inside\n our company. Select the most convenient method and buy your paper. We assign writers\n according to your needs. You may fully trust our choice. Your personal helper won’t\n disappoint you. Get in touch with your helper to control the process of writing and/or\n make instant adjustments if necessary.\n
\n\n We work 24/7 and so, you’re welcome to visit us whenever the need appears. Competent\n technicians will guide you through all our policies, rules, and restrictions to avoid\n misunderstandings. Our specialists already wait for your orders. Place them now and\n solve your academic issues.\n
\n\n Your money is safe. Even if we fail to satisfy your expectations, you can always request\n a refund and get your money back.\n
\n\n We don’t share your private information with anyone. What happens on our website stays\n on our website.\n
\n\n We provide you with a sample paper on the topic you need, and this kind of academic\n assistance is perfectly legitimate.\n
\n\n We check every paper with our plagiarism-detection software, so you get a unique paper\n written for your particular purposes.\n
\n\n Need a paper tomorrow? We can write it even while you’re sleeping. Place an order now\n and get your paper in 8 hours.\n
\n\n Our prices depend on urgency. If you want a cheap essay, place your order in advance.\n Our prices start from $10 per page.\n