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React from 'react';\nimport Helmet from 'react-helmet';\n\nimport Layout from '../../layouts/SimplePage';\nimport FirstScreenSection from '../../components/FirstScreenSection';\nimport GradesSection from '../../components/GradesSection';\nimport Calculator from '../../components/Calculator';\nimport Testimonials from '../../components/Testimonials';\nimport OurFeaturesSection from '../../components/OurFeaturesSection';\nimport { SeoTextSection, SeoTextHeading, SeoTextContent } from '../../components/SeoText';\nimport CTA from '../../components/CTA';\n\n\nconst EnglishWritingServicePage = () => (\n \n We proofread and edit every single essay\n \n Many students are reluctant when it comes to using a custom English essay writing\n service because most of them promise an A+. However, getting a paper with a promised\n grade is a tricky thing. First of all, there is no writing service that can guarantee\n you a grade, as there are teachers that you can’t influence. Another reason is that most\n teachers understand their students’ capabilities and as not all people are on the\n A-list.\n \n \n Here at TakeAwayEssay, you can choose what grade you want for the paper we’re going to\n help you with, and if you need a B or a C, we’ll provide you assistance with that.\n Such an approach means that you get help with your term papers without any suspicion.\n \n \n Our custom English essay writing service offers a wide range of academic papers. We can\n write anything from an A-level essay or college research paper to a custom dissertation\n of top quality. On this website, you can get help with urgent papers with 8-hour and\n even 4-hour deadlines.\n Besides, we have a solid set of safety guarantees: Quality assurance. \n We chose to hire a separate team to check the quality of every finished order. They\n assess the style of writing, structure, contents, reference list, format, and much\n more.\n Money-back guarantee. \n Our service does its best to provide you with the most suitable purchase of custom\n English essays. However, if something goes off-road, you can apply for a refund. We\n value your money’s worth and won’t hesitate to return the needed cost.\n Plagiarism-free guarantee. \n The first guarantee our English essay writing service has given to the first\n customers back in 2018 was the non-plagiarism one. Our professional team never\n delivers a paper without checking it with specialized software.\n Privacy policy. \n We get a lot of private information every day, and all of it remains fully\n confidential within our database. When you buy English essay online from us, read\n all the information about the storage and usage of your data on the privacy policy\n page.\n Here’s why we are 100% sure our writers are trustworthy: Tests. \n Before hiring someone for our custom English essay writing service, we test the\n candidates. They have to show us their English knowledge, how good they are at their\n major, and how fast they can write.\n Monthly checks. \n To make sure you buy English essay online of top rated quality, every helper gets a\n special check once a month. This allows the writers to grow.\n Supervision. \n For the first couple of orders, our fast experts have all the support they need to\n get used to the services of the website.\n We offer: \n If it’s more convenient for you, change the currency on the top of the Pricing page to\n see the prices in USD. We do our best to keep the rates affordable so anyone can get a\n paid assignment. To find out just how cheap you can get an answer to your “do my English\n essay” request, use the price calculator available on the main page.\n \n To make your “do my paper for me online” request even more affordable, we provide some\n free features as an everlasting sale:\n If you have some extra money, you can buy one or more of the additional services: Copies of sources \n When you buy English essay online from us, get a selection of peer-reviewed articles\n and books your paper was based on for only 15$.\n \n We are a legit writing service that aims at your comfort and loyalty. So, if you have\n anything else you’d love to know about us before making the final choice, we’ll be happy\n to get you the needed answers. Write us a message using Live Chat or via email and we’ll\n get back to you shortly. And if you already have all the answers, hurry up and send us\n your “write my English essay” request!\n \n Choose your desired grade, and we will write a paper that meets all the requirements\n to achieve it. Moreover, our\n {' '}\n \n Quality Assurance Department\n \n {' '}\n will check your paper using an evaluation scheme based on grading criteria from the\n top 70 US\n universities.\n \n We have 4 writing hubs with specialists in business studies, STEM, social studies, and\n law. We make sure they are not only\n experts in their subjects, but know the ins and outs of academic writing.\n \n As of April 2018, we’ve already written so many pages that if you print them all out\n and pile them up, they’ll be 94 meters\n high, which is almost the height of The Big Ben Tower. We know our job inside out and\n are ready to tackle your writing\n assignments.\n \n True English refinement\n
\n {' '}\n in essay writing\n
\n {' '}\n we write with concentrated attention\n
\n {' '}\n cheap papers of the best quality for your grade\n Why should I buy English essay papers from your writing Service?
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\n Who will write my English essay? Who are your professional writers?
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\n How much do I have to pay for English essay from your writing service?
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\n {' '}\n Check out our service for yourself.\n \n We help you get the grades you need\n
\n\n \n \n 73%\n \n
\n the average\n
\n {' '}\n grade we deliver\n \n \n 531\n \n
\n writers from\n
\n {' '}\n the US\n \n \n 969k\n \n
\n original pages\n
\n {' '}\n written\n
\n Your money is safe. Even if we fail to satisfy your expectations, you can always request\n a refund and get your money back.\n
\n\n We don’t share your private information with anyone. What happens on our website stays\n on our website.\n
\n\n We provide you with a sample paper on the topic you need, and this kind of academic\n assistance is perfectly legitimate.\n
\n\n We check every paper with our plagiarism-detection software, so you get a unique paper\n written for your particular purposes.\n
\n\n Need a paper tomorrow? We can write it even while you’re sleeping. Place an order now\n and get your paper in 8 hours.\n
\n\n Our prices depend on urgency. If you want a cheap essay, place your order in advance.\n Our prices start from $10 per page.\n