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@todo enable next eslint rules\n/* eslint-disable jsx-a11y/alt-text */\nimport React from 'react';\nimport { Link } from 'gatsby';\nimport VerticalTextBlock from '../VerticalTextBlock';\n\nimport './index.scss';\n\n/**\n * @todo move presentation only images to stylesheets\n */\nconst GradesBlock = () => (\n \n Choose your desired grade, and we will write a paper that meets all the requirements\n to achieve it. Moreover, our\n {' '}\n \n Quality Assurance Department\n \n {' '}\n will check your paper using an evaluation scheme based on grading criteria from the\n top 70 US\n universities.\n \n We have 4 writing hubs with specialists in business studies, STEM, social studies, and\n law. We make sure they are not only\n experts in their subjects, but know the ins and outs of academic writing.\n \n As of April 2018, we’ve already written so many pages that if you print them all out\n and pile them up, they’ll be 94 meters\n high, which is almost the height of The Big Ben Tower. We know our job inside out and\n are ready to tackle your writing\n assignments.\n \n Personalized writing according to\n \n There is a common pain for the majority of college students (or those who’re planning on\n becoming one)—how to succeed? 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More and more\n universities all around the words are demanding autonomous research that results in\n authentic essays, term papers, and other academic assignments that sow a high level of\n knowledge and awareness.\n \n Many services on the Internet claim to be pros in writing unique essay papers, but in\n reality, just make people purchase copied works which bring no good results in studies.\n Still, the need for reliable writing service to buy application essay online doesn’t\n disappear; the more assignments students are supposed to do, the more they think about\n additional help.\n \n Today, we’ll try to show you the way to a website that provides the tried and true\n writers for hire.{' '}\n \n With their legit help and loyal assistance, you will no longer fear whether the\n assignment will be accepted during admission or not. At TakeAwayEssay.com, you will\n obtain an opportunity to buy application essays in a safe and secure way.{' '}\n \n How? Let us find out!\n \n Very often, when planning to buy admission essay online, a student comes up with an idea\n of an admission essay, knowing what his or her plans are and approximately knowing what\n to write in this essay. Still, putting those ideas into words makes an obstacle.\n \n Overcoming this problem can be easy if you buy application essays at TakeAwayEssay.com.\n The solutions on this platform aren’t supposed to be just fast and cheap. Writers at\n this urgent essay writing service think, first of all, of producing the top quality of\n any ordered academic paper. By conducting profound research on the suggested topic and\n gathering relevant and up to date resources, a certified writer you choose will help you\n make your college paper a success. Here are some other advantages of the decision to buy\n admission essay online at the recommended service. What else guarantees the academic\n success at TakeAwayEssay?\n You can choose the top rated writers \n The writers TakeAwayEssay.com hires are all professional, but you have a wide choice\n when deciding to buy application essay online. By reading feedback and evaluating\n every writer by comments, you’re the one who picks the best of them. So, it’s fully\n up to you whom to trust the accomplishing of your order.\n Prices are democratic \n Buying an admission essay of high quality doesn’t mean you should pay huge amounts\n of money. Sure thing, good job costs something, but here the payment policy is quite\n flexible—you might pay for your order by parts or place an application on the\n website in advance (to store up money and reduce spendings amounts). Besides, you\n can often come across an advantageous sale or find essay admission samples free of\n charge.\n Your data remains confidential \n Giving you private information, credit card data, and email is never tricky at this\n custom essay writing service. In fact, any type of information, whether it is your\n financial side (like a bank account) or personal data, is stored according to the\n GDPR and our privacy policy and well protected.\n \n Are you still in doubt about where to buy admission essays? With TakeAwayEssay.com, you\n will forget about the times when you paid over the odds or received the poor quality of\n papers. You can begin cooperation with a single phrase “write my admission paper for me,\n please,” and buy admission essays for any faculty right now.\n \n We help you get the grades you need\n
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