{"version":3,"sources":["webpack:///./src/pages/high-school-writing-service.html/index.jsx","webpack:///./src/components/GradesSection/index.jsx","webpack:///./src/components/FirstScreenSection/VideoBackground.jsx","webpack:///./src/components/FirstScreenSection/index.jsx","webpack:///./src/components/OurFeaturesSection/index.jsx"],"names":["HighSchoolWritingServicePage","pageWrapperClassName","headerClassName","title","meta","name","content","property","link","rel","href","containerClassName","className","nameOfPageArray","btnText","GradesBlock","sectionClassName","text","dotsStyle","data-observed-image","data-src","width","height","alt","to","VideoBackground","state","isDesktop","onResize","debounce","isBrowser","document","documentElement","clientWidth","setState","componentWillMount","this","componentDidMount","window","addEventListener","componentWillUnmount","render","videoLink","props","src","autoPlay","muted","loop","Component","FirstScreenBlock","children","btnClassName","isLogo","isVideo","classNames","defaultProps","undefined","OurFeaturesBlock","data-title"],"mappings":"uHAAA,qJAgQeA,UAhPsB,kBACnC,kBAAC,IAAD,CACEC,qBAAqB,mCACrBC,gBAAgB,mBAEhB,kBAAC,IAAD,CACEC,MAAM,kFACNC,KAAM,CACJ,CACEC,KAAM,cACNC,QACE,kLAGJ,CACEC,SAAU,WACVD,QACE,0FAEJ,CACEC,SAAU,iBACVD,QACE,4RAEJ,CAAEC,SAAU,eAAgBD,QAAS,qBACrC,CAAEC,SAAU,UAAWD,QAAS,WAChC,CACEC,SAAU,WACVD,QAAS,iDAGbE,KAAM,CACJ,CACEC,IAAK,YACLC,KAAM,iEAKZ,kBAAC,IAAD,CAAoBC,mBAAmB,6BACrC,wBAAIC,UAAU,+DAAd,gCAEE,wBAAIA,UAAU,oCAFhB,4BAKA,uBAAGA,UAAU,mEAAb,qDAEE,wBAAIA,UAAU,sCAFhB,+BAOF,kBAAC,IAAD,MACA,kBAAC,IAAD,MACA,kBAAC,IAAD,CAAcC,gBAAgB,SAC9B,kBAAC,IAAD,MAEA,kBAAC,IAAD,KACE,kBAAC,IAAD,+EAIA,kBAAC,IAAD,KACE,yBAAKD,UAAU,2CACb,uaAQA,2UAOA,wBAAIA,UAAU,MAAd,sEAGA,kZAQA,mfAUA,sVAOA,wBAAIA,UAAU,MAAd,eACA,wQAMA,wBAAIA,UAAU,MAAd,aACA,2KAKA,wBAAIA,UAAU,YACZ,sDACA,yDACA,uDACA,0DACA,mDAEF,+QAMA,wBAAIA,UAAU,MAAd,kBACA,qRAMA,wBAAIA,UAAU,MAAd,gEAGA,0WAOA,sJAIA,wBAAIA,UAAU,YACZ,wCACA,qCACA,yCACA,sCAEF,wcASA,wBAAIA,UAAU,MAAd,iCACA,0RAMA,wBAAIA,UAAU,MAAd,0BACA,yRAMA,wBAAIA,UAAU,YACZ,oDAEE,oOAOF,yDAEE,uPAOF,2CAEE,4SAQF,oDAEE,yRAQJ,wTAWN,kBAAC,IAAD,CAAKE,QAAQ,aAAb,0BAEE,6BAFF,yC,yDCzPJ,2DA0HeC,IA/GK,kBAClB,6BAASH,UAAU,kBACjB,yBAAKA,UAAU,uCACb,kBAAC,IAAD,CACEI,iBAAiB,SACjBC,KAAK,SACLC,UAAU,YAGZ,yBAAKN,UAAU,2BACb,wBAAIA,UAAU,2BAAd,uCAIA,yBAAKA,UAAU,wBACb,yBAAKA,UAAU,wBACb,yBAAKA,UAAU,iCACb,yBAAKA,UAAU,gCACb,yBACEO,uBAAA,EACAC,WAAS,0BACTC,MAAO,IACPC,OAAQ,IACRC,IAAI,WAEN,sCAIF,wBAAIX,UAAU,+BAAd,cAEE,6BACC,IAHH,qBAOF,uBAAGA,UAAU,mCAAb,oHAGG,IACD,kBAAC,OAAD,CAAMY,GAAG,0BAA0Bf,IAAI,YAAvC,gCAGC,IAPH,gHAaF,yBAAKG,UAAU,wBACb,yBAAKA,UAAU,iCACb,yBAAKA,UAAU,gCACb,yBACEO,uBAAA,EACAC,WAAS,0BACTC,MAAO,IACPC,OAAQ,IACRC,IAAI,WAEN,sCAIF,wBAAIX,UAAU,+BAAd,eAEE,6BACC,IAHH,WAOF,uBAAGA,UAAU,mCAAb,yMAMF,yBAAKA,UAAU,wBACb,yBAAKA,UAAU,iCACb,yBAAKA,UAAU,gCACb,yBACEO,uBAAA,EACAC,WAAS,0BACTC,MAAO,IACPC,OAAQ,IACRC,IAAI,WAEN,uCAIF,wBAAIX,UAAU,+BAAd,iBAEE,6BACC,IAHH,YAOF,uBAAGA,UAAU,mCAAb,0Q,gICvCGa,G,8JA7DbC,MAAQ,CACNC,WAAW,G,EAebC,SAAWC,mBAAS,KAAK,WACnBC,MACEC,SAASC,gBAAgBC,aAAe,KAC1C,EAAKC,SAAS,CACZP,WAAW,IAGb,EAAKO,SAAS,CACZP,WAAW,Q,8CApBnBQ,mBAAA,WACEC,KAAKR,Y,EAGPS,kBAAA,WACEC,OAAOC,iBAAiB,SAAUH,KAAKR,UAAU,I,EAGnDY,qBAAA,WACEF,OAAOC,iBAAiB,SAAUH,KAAKR,UAAU,I,EAiBnDa,OAAA,WACE,IACEd,EACES,KAAKV,MADPC,UAGAe,EACEN,KAAKO,MADPD,UAGF,OAAIf,EAEA,yBAAKf,UAAU,iBACb,2BACET,MAAM,QACNyC,IAAKF,EACLG,UAAQ,EACRC,OAAK,EACLC,MAAI,KAML,M,GArDmBC,cCCxBC,G,UAAmB,SAAC,GAAD,IACvBC,EADuB,EACvBA,SACAvC,EAFuB,EAEvBA,mBACAwC,EAHuB,EAGvBA,aACAC,EAJuB,EAIvBA,OACAC,EALuB,EAKvBA,QALuB,OAOvB,6BACEzC,UAAW0C,IACT,uBACA3C,GAAsB,6BACtBwC,IAGDE,GACC,kBAAC,EAAD,CACEX,UAAU,gCAId,yBAAK9B,UAAU,6CACZwC,GACC,yBAAKxC,UAAU,8BACb,yBACEO,uBAAA,EACAC,WAAS,gBACTC,MAAM,MACNC,OAAO,KACPC,IAAI,oBAKT2B,EAED,kBAAC,OAAD,CACE1B,GAAG,4BACHZ,UAAW0C,IACT,cACAH,GAEF1C,IAAI,YAEJ,uDAgBRwC,EAAiBM,aAAe,CAC9BL,cAAUM,EACV7C,wBAAoB6C,EACpBL,kBAAcK,EACdJ,QAAQ,EACRC,SAAS,GAGIJ,O,yDC3Ef,2DA8IeQ,IA9HU,kBACvB,6BAAS7C,UAAU,oBACjB,yBAAKA,UAAU,yCACb,kBAAC,IAAD,CACEI,iBAAiB,WACjBC,KAAK,eACLC,UAAU,YAGZ,yBAAKN,UAAU,6BAEb,yBAAKA,UAAU,6BACb,wBAAIA,UAAU,mCAAd,kEAKF,kBAAC,OAAD,CACEY,GAAG,6BACHZ,UAAU,2DACVH,IAAI,YAEJ,wBAAIG,UAAU,yCAAd,wBAGA,uBAAGA,UAAU,2CAAb,8HAIA,yBAAKA,UAAU,aACb,0BAAMA,UAAU,kBAAkB8C,aAAW,aAA7C,eAKJ,kBAAC,OAAD,CACElC,GAAG,gCACHZ,UAAU,kEAEV,wBAAIA,UAAU,yCAAd,mBAGA,uBAAGA,UAAU,2CAAb,0GAIA,yBAAKA,UAAU,aACb,0BAAMA,UAAU,kBAAkB8C,aAAW,aAA7C,eAKJ,kBAAC,OAAD,CACElC,GAAG,8BACHZ,UAAU,wDAEV,wBAAIA,UAAU,yCAAd,wBAGA,uBAAGA,UAAU,2CAAb,2HAIA,yBAAKA,UAAU,aACb,0BAAMA,UAAU,kBAAkB8C,aAAW,aAA7C,eAKJ,kBAAC,OAAD,CACElC,GAAG,wCACHZ,UAAU,6DAEV,wBAAIA,UAAU,yCAAd,+BAGA,uBAAGA,UAAU,2CAAb,gIAIA,yBAAKA,UAAU,aACb,0BAAMA,UAAU,kBAAkB8C,aAAW,aAA7C,eAKJ,kBAAC,OAAD,CACElC,GAAG,+BACHZ,UAAU,yDAEV,wBAAIA,UAAU,yCAAd,iCAGA,uBAAGA,UAAU,2CAAb,wHAIA,yBAAKA,UAAU,aACb,0BAAMA,UAAU,kBAAkB8C,aAAW,aAA7C,eAKJ,kBAAC,OAAD,CACElC,GAAG,8BACHZ,UAAU,wDAEV,wBAAIA,UAAU,yCAAd,oBAGA,uBAAGA,UAAU,2CAAb,6HAIA,yBAAKA,UAAU,aACb,0BAAMA,UAAU,kBAAkB8C,aAAW,aAA7C,oB","file":"component---src-pages-high-school-writing-service-html-index-jsx-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React from 'react';\nimport Helmet from 'react-helmet';\n\nimport Layout from '../../layouts/SimplePage';\nimport FirstScreenSection from '../../components/FirstScreenSection';\nimport GradesSection from '../../components/GradesSection';\nimport Calculator from '../../components/Calculator';\nimport Testimonials from '../../components/Testimonials';\nimport OurFeaturesSection from '../../components/OurFeaturesSection';\nimport {\n SeoTextSection,\n SeoTextHeading,\n SeoTextContent,\n} from '../../components/SeoText';\nimport CTA from '../../components/CTA';\n\nconst HighSchoolWritingServicePage = () => (\n \n \n\n \n

\n Does your high school teacher\n
want an essay from\n you?\n


\n Submit a jaw-dropping college-level paper instead,\n
and get an “A+”.\n Hire us!\n

\n\n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n High school essay writing services to make your study life much easier\n \n\n \n

\n The process of learning is a long and complicated process. Many\n youngsters cannot withstand the pressure and drop out of schools and\n colleges. They cannot cope with tons of academic tasks and duties\n with strict demands and short deadlines. Many high schoolers require\n professional help to have a positive academic rating and not to go\n crazy. This is when TakeAwayEssay.com comes to their aid.\n


\n Our Custom High School Essays Writing Service is one of the best in\n the USA and the rest of the world. Our experience counts over 10\n years and our rating is 9.8 out of 10 possible. These are impressive\n indicators that show that we can be trusted. What exactly do we\n propose? Read on to find that out.\n


\n Professional high school essay writing services for smart learners\n


\n When a high schooler requires pro help, he or she commonly visits\n our site. Why is there such a tendency kept? Well, we are a\n respectful platform with the highest average rating because\n everything we propose is of the best quality and is aimed at\n customer satisfaction. Every high school essay writer you meet on\n our site is an educated, talented, and diligent performer.\n


\n We are very cautious when we seek high school essay writers. None of\n them is hired just because of good grades at college or some\n impressive recommendations. We check all candidates the same and put\n them into various entry tests. Only after they cope with them\n successfully, we hire them. Afterward, experienced mentors keep an\n eye on their progress. This is how we are confident that all our\n writers are able to meet the top standards of all educational\n institutions.\n


\n They treat every client with due respect and take into account his\n or her wishes and whims. In other words, we treat every order\n individually to reach the maximum satisfaction of our dear clients.\n The academic arsenal of our experts is vast and can satisfy any\n demand you may need. The main ones are as follows:\n


Any subject


\n We have 500+ experts. They are specialists in various academic\n subjects. It means you can find specialists in literature, history,\n English, music, art, medicine, exact sciences, IT, and other areas.\n Your choice will never be limited!\n


Any skill


\n Our specialists possess various skills to tackle your order to your\n liking. There are various things they can do for you. The main ones\n are:\n

  • Writing and rewriting.
  • \n
  • Editing and proofreading;
  • \n
  • Citing and referencing;
  • \n
  • Researching and outlining;
  • \n
  • Generating topics;
  • \n

\n You are welcome to contact your helper directly, which is a great\n advantage for anyone. Thus, you can learn the latest news on the\n progress of your order. Just set a reasonable schedule to get in\n touch when both of you have time to do that.\n


Any assignment


\n Our experts can fulfill more than essays. They likewise specialize\n in fulfilling case studies, lab reports, book reviews, term papers,\n resumes, admission letters, and so on. It means they can handle\n projects for colleges and universities as well!\n


\n We write high school essays for money, but don’t charge much\n


\n You probably know that custom writing aid of any form has its price.\n It’s not gratis and some of your savings must be spent. The price\n policy of any custom platform means a lot to students with limited\n budgets. We know that most learners do not have too much money, so\n we propose relatively cheap prices to make our aid affordable.\n


\n To define how much must be paid, you need to fill out an application\n form. It contains the main features of your paper:\n

  • Quality.
  • \n
  • Type.
  • \n
  • Deadline.
  • \n
  • Size.
  • \n

\n An online calculator will show the total cost. If it exceeds your\n current budget, feel free to alter any field in the application.\n Every change can lower the cost. You should also know that the\n status of an essay writer high school on our platform impacts the\n cost as well. Be attentive when you negotiate with a writer to be\n sure you get what you want and never overpay. We create all the\n necessary conditions for this goal.\n


Swift aid for active learners


\n If you are a student, you surely know that time is very valuable, as\n well as an elusive thing you can use. Not all people are good at\n planning and using their time effectively. Many students cannot\n always reach their deadlines, so they sometimes fail.\n


What Else Do We Offer?


\n As you are a modern person who knows a lot about how various service\n should treat their clients, you realize that you are supposed to\n enjoy more benefits. You are 100% correct and we are happy to\n provide the required conditions. These are as follows:\n

  • \n 24/7 Customer Support\n

    \n Oftentimes, students receive tasks all of a sudden or remember\n some of them at the “last moment” when the night is deep. Such\n situations could be referred to as catastrophes. Luckily, you\n have us!\n

  • \n
  • \n Projects Done from Scratch\n

    \n The papers we release are free of all kinds of plagiarism. We\n use the best anti-plagiarism software to detect non-unique\n elements in your texts. If any of them are detected, we will\n surely remove them all from them.\n

  • \n
  • \n Full Privacy\n

    \n We are a trustworthy writing site that keeps an eye on the\n privacy of its clients. We use the most effective antivirus\n software, which is maintained regularly. Thus, it protects our\n databases from the newest cyber dangers. No hacker will ever get\n through our firewall.\n

  • \n
  • \n Monetary Compensation\n

    \n We are an honest company that never lets down its clients.\n Therefore, we ensure a return policy. Once your solver accepts\n your terms, he or she is obliged to complete them as promised.\n If it doesn’t happen, we will return your money to the fullest.\n

  • \n

\n In case you have problems with your academic tasks, feel free to\n turn to us. TakeAwayEssay.com is always happy to provide its dear\n clients with everything they may need to enjoy academic success.\n Place an order now, and we promise to complete a perfect piece of\n writing for you.\n

\n\n \n Ever wondered how being\n
an academic superstar feels like?\n
\n \n);\n\nexport default HighSchoolWritingServicePage;\n","// @todo enable next eslint rules\n/* eslint-disable jsx-a11y/alt-text */\nimport React from 'react';\nimport { Link } from 'gatsby';\nimport VerticalTextBlock from '../VerticalTextBlock';\n\nimport './index.scss';\n\n/**\n * @todo move presentation only images to stylesheets\n */\nconst GradesBlock = () => (\n
\n \n\n

\n We help you get the grades you need\n

\n \n \n 73%\n \n

\n the average\n
\n {' '}\n grade we deliver\n


\n Choose your desired grade, and we will write a paper that meets all the requirements\n to achieve it. Moreover, our\n {' '}\n \n Quality Assurance Department\n \n {' '}\n will check your paper using an evaluation scheme based on grading criteria from the\n top 70 US\n universities.\n

\n \n \n 531\n \n

\n writers from\n
\n {' '}\n the US\n


\n We have 4 writing hubs with specialists in business studies, STEM, social studies, and\n law. We make sure they are not only\n experts in their subjects, but know the ins and outs of academic writing.\n

\n \n \n 969k\n \n

\n original pages\n
\n {' '}\n written\n


\n As of April 2018, we’ve already written so many pages that if you print them all out\n and pile them up, they’ll be 94 meters\n high, which is almost the height of The Big Ben Tower. We know our job inside out and\n are ready to tackle your writing\n assignments.\n

\n);\n\nexport default GradesBlock;\n","import React, { Component } from 'react';\nimport PropTypes from 'prop-types';\nimport { debounce } from 'throttle-debounce';\nimport isBrowser from '../../utils/helpers/isBrowser';\nimport './VideoBackground.scss';\n\n\nclass VideoBackground extends Component {\n state = {\n isDesktop: false,\n };\n\n componentWillMount() {\n this.onResize();\n }\n\n componentDidMount() {\n window.addEventListener('resize', this.onResize, false);\n }\n\n componentWillUnmount() {\n window.addEventListener('resize', this.onResize, false);\n }\n\n onResize = debounce(100, () => {\n if (isBrowser) {\n if (document.documentElement.clientWidth >= 1024) {\n this.setState({\n isDesktop: true,\n });\n } else {\n this.setState({\n isDesktop: false,\n });\n }\n }\n });\n\n render() {\n const {\n isDesktop,\n } = this.state;\n const {\n videoLink,\n } = this.props;\n\n if (isDesktop) {\n return (\n
\n \n
\n );\n }\n\n return null;\n }\n}\n\n\nVideoBackground.propTypes = {\n videoLink: PropTypes.string.isRequired,\n};\n\nexport default VideoBackground;\n","import React from 'react';\nimport PropTypes from 'prop-types';\nimport { Link } from 'gatsby';\nimport classNames from 'classnames';\nimport VideoBackground from './VideoBackground';\nimport './index.scss';\n\n\nconst FirstScreenBlock = ({\n children,\n containerClassName,\n btnClassName,\n isLogo,\n isVideo,\n}) => (\n \n {isVideo && (\n \n )}\n\n
\n {isLogo && (\n
\n \n
\n )}\n\n {children}\n\n \n \n Order your paper\n \n \n
\n \n);\n\nFirstScreenBlock.propTypes = {\n children: PropTypes.node,\n containerClassName: PropTypes.string,\n btnClassName: PropTypes.string,\n isLogo: PropTypes.bool,\n isVideo: PropTypes.bool,\n};\n\nFirstScreenBlock.defaultProps = {\n children: undefined,\n containerClassName: undefined,\n btnClassName: undefined,\n isLogo: false,\n isVideo: false,\n};\n\nexport default FirstScreenBlock;\n","// @todo enable next eslint rules\n/* eslint-disable react/no-unescaped-entities */\nimport React from 'react';\nimport { Link } from 'gatsby';\nimport VerticalTextBlock from '../VerticalTextBlock';\n\nimport './index.scss';\n\n\n/**\n * @todo escape special characters\n * @example\n *

\n * <<<John's component "Rock&Rolls">>>\n *

\n */\nconst OurFeaturesBlock = () => (\n
\n \n\n

\n We've got everything to become your favourite writing service\n

\n\n \n

\n Money back guarantee\n


\n Your money is safe. Even if we fail to satisfy your expectations, you can always request\n a refund and get your money back.\n

\n \n Read more\n \n
\n \n \n

\n Confidentiality\n


\n We don’t share your private information with anyone. What happens on our website stays\n on our website.\n

\n \n Read more\n \n
\n \n \n

\n Our service is legit\n


\n We provide you with a sample paper on the topic you need, and this kind of academic\n assistance is perfectly legitimate.\n

\n \n Read more\n \n
\n \n \n

\n Get a plagiarism-free paper\n


\n We check every paper with our plagiarism-detection software, so you get a unique paper\n written for your particular purposes.\n

\n \n Read more\n \n
\n \n \n

\n We can help with urgent tasks\n


\n Need a paper tomorrow? We can write it even while you’re sleeping. Place an order now\n and get your paper in 8 hours.\n

\n \n Read more\n \n
\n \n \n

\n Pay a fair price\n


\n Our prices depend on urgency. If you want a cheap essay, place your order in advance.\n Our prices start from $10 per page.\n

\n \n Read more\n \n
\n \n\n
\n);\n\nexport default OurFeaturesBlock;\n"],"sourceRoot":""}