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globals Calc */\n// @todo enable next eslint rules\n/* eslint-disable no-underscore-dangle */\n/* eslint-disable no-new */\n/* eslint-disable jsx-a11y/label-has-for */\n/* eslint-disable jsx-a11y/label-has-associated-control */\nimport React, { Component } from 'react';\nimport PropTypes from 'prop-types';\nimport classNames from 'classnames';\nimport isBrowser from '../../utils/helpers/isBrowser';\nimport Spinner from '../Spinner';\nimport VerticalTextBlock from '../VerticalTextBlock';\n\nimport './index.scss';\nimport './calculator.scss';\n\n// eslint-disable-next-line global-require\nconst utils = typeof window !== 'undefined' ? require('@uvocore-front/utils') : null;\n\nclass Calculator extends Component {\n state = {\n calcLoaded: false,\n };\n\n componentDidMount() {\n if (isBrowser && this.calcRef) {\n utils.observeElement({\n element: '[data-calc-mini]',\n marginValue: 300,\n callback: () => {\n utils.getWidget({\n widgetLink: '/assets/js/calc.js',\n fn: () => {\n this.getCalc();\n },\n });\n },\n });\n }\n }\n\n getCalc = () => {\n const {\n academicLevel,\n paperType,\n pages = 1,\n } = this.props;\n\n new Calc({\n ID: '169',\n calculatorType: 'DefaultCalculator',\n format: 'json',\n callback: (i) => {\n this.setState({\n calcLoaded: !i.isLoading,\n });\n },\n options: {\n deafault: {\n deadlinesDefault: [101599, 101683, 101731],\n academicLevelDefault: academicLevel,\n paperTypesDefault: paperType,\n pagesDefault: pages,\n },\n },\n });\n };\n\n render() {\n const {\n calcLoaded,\n } = this.state;\n\n return (\n \n Calculate the price of your paper\n
\n \n Free features\n
\n \n
\n \n Additional services\n
\n \n
\n \n {children}\n
\n \n {btnText}\n \n
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\n\n If you are sure you can provide specific paper instructions or upload any of the\n required\n materials, you can start our ordering process by filling in the order form. Let\n us take a\n closer look at how our service works:\n
\n\n When the writer finishes your paper it is delivered to your\n {' '}\n \n Personal order page\n \n {' '}\n in a pdf preview version. The MS Word version of the order will be automatically\n provided to you after you click on\n 'Approve' button in the 'Files' list of your\n {' '}\n \n Personal order page\n \n . If any changes are to be applied to the paper, you are always welcome to\n request a free revision with the new revision deadline for the writer (read more\n about our\n {' '}\n \n revision\n policy\n \n {' '}\n here).\n {' '}\n
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\n\n We offer original model papers that can be used legally in a number of ways, if\n properly\n referenced:\n
\n\n Nonetheless, check your college/university policies, including their definition\n of plagiarism\n and paraphrase before using our services. Make conscious decisions in regards to\n your\n education.\n
\n\n TakeAwayEssay.com is a Limassol-incorporated academic assistance company. We have\n been working\n with students from the United States and Canada since 2005\n and are\n accepting online orders from any other countries all over the world. Our support\n office\n facilities are located in Ukraine and Latvia.\n
\n\n TakeAwayEssay.com cooperates with reliable payment systems only to ensure safety\n and speed of your money transfer. After you fill out the order form, you will be\n redirected to the web page where hints and tips will guide you through an easy\n process of completing the payment for our service. In only a couple of minutes we\n receive the funds and start working on your order to give you a high quality\n academic assistance.\n
\n\n Please visit our\n {' '}\n \n Money Back Guarantee\n \n {' '}\n web page for more information.\n
\n\n \n What are the credentials of my writer? What is my writer's degree?\n \n
\n\n Our professional writing staff consists of writers with various\n academic degrees, from Master's to Ph. D level writers, arranged in a number of\n specializations. Such arrangement allows us to individually choose a writer who\n fits the exact requirements for writing a particular paper. To ensure the\n quality of our service, we carefully investigate each writer's skills set, based\n on the following parameters:\n
\n\n \n Can I choose a specific writer? \n \n
\n\n If you are a returning customer with our company, you have an opportunity\n to request the writer who has previously completed an order for you. When\n placing an order, you need to click on the “I want a specific writer” option and\n choose that writer from the drop-down list. Make sure you do that in the way\n indicated above, so that the writer you want gets assigned. If you fail to\n request a specific writer using the button, there is no guarantee that your\n particular writer will be assigned. \n
\n\n \n Where is my writer from?\n \n
\n\n We employ writers from all over the world, varying from English native\n speakers (ENL) to non-native speakers with good command of English. All of\n our writers demonstrate a sufficient command of English and a good understanding\n of other subjects, so all customers can be sure to obtain the writing quality that\n corresponds to their academic level, even if their paper is\n completed by a non-native speaker. Each customer may choose, if possible,\n out of:\n
\n\n If the native speaking writer is currently not available for completing a paper\n in any particular specialization, the paper can be completed by a non-native\n speaking writer, whose knowledge of English still corresponds to the highest\n TOEFL level mark.\n
\n\n \n Can writers' category be changed?\n \n
\n\n Our writers are being evaluated as often as possible to make sure we deliver\n only top-notch orders. We as well frequently reshuffle the Advanced writers\n to have the best ones on their team. Our real-time rating system takes\n into account every order writer completes, selecting a true match for\n such an elite team. Latest writer's skills evaluation or changing average\n scores may be the reason why they spend some time on the regular team\n and some time on the advanced team.\n
\n\n \n Can I talk to the writer who will be writing my paper?\n \n
\n\n You will be able to communicate with the writer by sending messages from your\n {' '}\n \n Personal order page\n \n . You should also be getting an\n email notification about every new message received from the\n writer. Nevertheless, it is\n your responsibility to check your personal page directly from time to time in\n case writer has any questions regarding your order.\n
\n\n All of our papers are original. We have our own plagiarism detection system that\n easily\n detects any kind of Internet plagiarism. Unlike popular plagiarism detection\n systems, which\n are used by Universities (ex. Turnitin.com), we do not report to any public\n databases,\n therefore such checking is safe. Our company provides a\n \n \n \n \n 'plagiarism-free' guarantee\n \n \n \n \n that ensures your paper to be checked for its\n uniqueness. Please note that it is possible for a writing company to guarantee\n no\n plagiarism \n \n against open Internet sources and a number of certain databases, but there\n is no technology (except for \n \n turnitin.com\n \n itself) that\n could guarantee no plagiarism against all sources that are indexed by turnitin\n \n .\n Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that there is no paraphrased text in the\n document you\n receive. In order to be on the safe side, we suggest that you check the paper\n using writecheck\n service from \n \n turnitin.com\n \n \n and\n send us the report\n \n .\n
\n\n No, we do not have such a database. All papers you order from us are written\n from\n scratch.\n
\n\n All our academic papers come in accepted academic format: 1-inch margins on all\n sides, 275\n words per page, formatted with 12 point Times New Roman/Arial font,\n double-spaced. If\n you need special formatting for your paper, please include these\n requirements in the\n \"Paper instructions\" box on the order page.\n
\n\n When you place an order with TakeAwayEssay.com, you can choose from a great\n variety of\n delivery options and in this way determine your deadline for the paper to be\n completed. The\n time is calculated automatically from the moment we receive the payment in our\n system. For\n example, if you pay for an order at 6 P.M. on Monday and choose a 3 days\n delivery option, you\n will receive your custom paper by 6 P.M. on Thursday.\n
\n\n To ensure the quality of your paper and conduct the in-depth research, the\n writer requires\n sufficient amount of time. Therefore, please choose the most suitable deadline\n when you place\n an order.\n
\n\n Make sure that you upload all the additional materials at the beginning. If you\n fail to do\n that, the deadline for your order will be postponed as well. If you choose our\n Progressive\n Delivery service, you will receive an individual delivery schedule that will be\n followed up by the writer assigned to your project.\n
\n\n The Final Submission deadline is the exact date when you have to submit your\n assignment.\n Please make sure that your Final Submission Deadline exceeds your First Draft\n Deadline by at\n least 30%, so that there is enough time for any possible revisions of your\n order.\n
\n\n Progressive Delivery service is a unique and reliable feature, designed\n specifically for\n aiding extended orders. Such academic works as Theses, Dissertations, Capstone\n Projects, etc.,\n can be delivered to you in parts, as the writer progresses. This feature costs\n only 10% extra\n to your order price. So, if you want to pay for your order in parts, you can\n easily make use\n of Progressive Delivery feature by contacting our operators, just before\n completing the order\n form, to arrange a payment plan for you.\n
\n\n Progressive Delivery works according to this general outline:\n
\n\n Please go to the order form. Once there, please specify your topic, page count\n (excluding the\n title and the bibliography page), delivery date, and the number of\n sources. Be sure to\n leave your comments on what exactly your assignment requirements are. In case\n you have any\n questions while submitting your paper information into the order form, just\n click on the\n 'info' sign after every field name and you will see a detailed hint in the\n pop-up window. You\n also need to indicate the course title, writing style, and any other important\n details. Your\n comments are important to our writers for their future work on your assignment.\n
\n\n You can also place a free inquiry if you have complicated instructions for the\n order and want\n to double check if we are able to complete it. We will send you the\n payment link only\n after an appropriate writer is found.\n
\n\n After you are through with the order form you will be automatically provided\n with your\n {' '}\n \n Personal order page\n \n {' '}\n at TakeAwayEssay.com. Any of\n the required case studies/articles/materials can be attached directly to the\n 'Files' list of your\n {' '}\n \n Personal order page\n \n {' '}\n if you\n have previously selected this option in the order form. As soon as the\n materials are\n uploaded in that list they become visible for the writer. If you experience any\n difficulties\n with uploading your files, feel free to contact our operator and ask for\n assistance.\n
\n\n '\n \n Personal order page\n \n ' is your customer's page where\n you can track the progress of your order, upload any of the required materials\n and communicate\n both with the writer and administrator. For your convenience each\n {' '}\n \n Personal order page\n \n {' '}\n contains:\n
\n\n Inside each of your orders placed with TakeAwayEssay.com you will also be able\n to check your\n 'Order Info' and use 'Messages' tab to communicate with your writer and\n administrator.\n
\n\n When placing your first order with TakeAwayEssay.com, you will be asked to\n create your\n individual password. If you have forgotten your personal password while\n submitting a new order\n form, please follow the link and it redirect you to the page with guidelines for\n further\n actions.\n
\n\n As soon as the writer completes your paper, you should receive a notification\n email with the\n link to your\n {' '}\n \n Personal order page\n \n . However, when the\n deadline approaches you should also check your\n {' '}\n \n Personal\n order page\n \n {' '}\n directly in order to avoid any kind of misunderstandings. Please note\n that we do not send files by email. The only way you can download and review\n your custom\n paper is by following the link to your\n {' '}\n \n Personal\n order page\n \n {' '}\n or clicking on 'Manage your orders' from our web site.\n
\n\n You will be able to download a printable Microsoft Word file after you approve\n the PDF\n version. The file will be located in the 'Files' list of your\n {' '}\n \n Personal order\n page\n \n {' '}\n and will have a special mark (!!Ms Word version of the paper!!).\n
\n\n Contact us immediately. You can either write a message on your order page, or\n enter\n live-chat, or call us. Our operator will carefully examine your order and\n will assist\n you with it right away. The reasons may vary from time to time. It can\n happen that you\n have entered a wrong email address or your SPAM filter does not allow you to\n receive emails\n from us. It is also possible that the writer is waiting for your reply and\n can not\n continue working without your assistance, or we are checking the work for\n plagiarism.\n Contact us in the first place if you have any problem with getting the order on\n time.\n
\n\n In case your assignment requires some changes, you are welcome to request a\n {' '}\n \n revision\n \n {' '}\n from the 'Files' list of your\n {' '}\n \n Personal order page\n \n {' '}\n by sending your comments to the\n writer and stating the exact number of hours they can use to complete it. If you\n require\n significant alterations to the original order, we will charge a re-writing fee\n that is\n calculated depending on the complexity of the task. Please check our\n {' '}\n \n revision policy\n \n {' '}\n for more information.\n
\n\n Samples are the three randomly generated pages from the orders, that were\n previously\n completed by the assigned Writer. This service allows you to get acquainted with\n the writing\n style of the person, who is going to work on your order. It also gives you an\n opportunity to\n change the Writer within 2 hours from the moment samples are generated. The\n Writer may be\n changed up to three times on one order.\n
\n If you fail to request a different Writer within the given time, we regard it as\n your\n acceptance of the Writer who was assigned initially. The service is available\n for $5.\n
\n We do not complete multiple choice tests and/or any other kind of online tests,\n as we believe\n it is as much the student's direct responsibility to pass tests (whether they\n are online or\n not), as it is to take exams. In addition to that, it is hard to evaluate the\n true quantity of\n work done by the writer while performing a multiple choice test. Moreover,\n please be advised\n not to share your personal information with the writers (including any accounts\n login\n information), in the paper details and through messages, as the company will not\n take\n responsibility if your personal data is abused in such a situation. In case you\n have ordered\n such an assignment, your order will be cancelled and money will be refunded.\n
\n\n A complex assignment indicates an order that requires special knowledge and more\n advanced\n research skills. Consequently, writers with such qualities should be compensated\n accordingly.\n Here is a list of disciplines the service 'complex assignment' applies to:\n
\n\n If you place an order for one of these disciplines, you will be charged 20% more\n than for\n ordinary assignments.\n
\n\n Orders that fall into the category of 'Other' are reviewed by the Support Team,\n and if they\n identify your discipline as a complex one, you will be charged an additional 20%\n of the\n initial order price. You will be notified of the price change and receive a link\n for\n additional payment.\n